True and Fascinating Canadian History


Constable William H. Cuncliffe

Seattle Police Memorial. Seattle. WA. USA


Commemorating the Anniversary of
Constable William Henry Cunliffe's Death
Seattle. WA. USA

Reg.#1053, Constable William Henry Cunliffe joined the NWMP in 1884 and served honourably for five years. In 1885, he was among the first NWMP at the scene of the start of the North West Rebellion.

In 1889, Constable Cunliffe 'Purchased his Discharge' from the NWMP upon the death of his father.

He moved to America and joined the Seattle Police Department. One night, while on foot patrol with the Seattle PD, Patrol Officer Cunliffe approached two suspicious looking men at which time he was shot. Patrol Officer Cunliffe managed to return three shots but he died at the scene.

The two men escaped. Constable Cunliffe's name was listed on the Washington State Law Enforcement Memorial in Olympia, Washington, USA.

xR. I. P.

(Photo courtesy of Merle Armstrong. Vets London, ON. 2015)


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