True and Fascinating Canadian History

St Stephen

Founder: RCMP Graves
by Superintendent J. J. Healy (Retired)

My career with the RCMP was successful, gratifying and beyond belief. I joined the Force in August, 1964 after graduating from high school in St Stephen -- a small town which borders the USA in the south west corner of New Brunswick. In the early years, I served in various parts of Canada. In 1988, after completing an undergraduate degree at the University of Toronto, I was promoted to Inspector and appointed to various assignments in Africa, Asia and Europe. In 1995, I was promoted to Superintendent as the Officer In Charge of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations.

Over 36 years, the RCMP provided me with memorable and enriching opportunities; criminal investigations, graduate studies, world wide travel to 38 countries, and thousands of true friendships. The RCMP was overly generous to me, and I am deeply appreciative to Canadians for their trust in me. All the while, my family and my wife were loving and supportive.

I retired from the Force in 2001 after spending 9 months as the Contingent Commander of the RCMP in Bosnia. After retirement, I founded this website and I began the preliminary design of the RCMP Graves Discovery Database. I am thankful to the hundreds of volunteers from around the world who have contributed to its content, its uniqueness, its success, and its historical worth.

Heritage in Scarlet:

Stories of Members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police





This YouTube video series was produced for the RCMP Heritage Centre in Regina, SK by Access Communications. The introduction of the YouTubes was narrated by my life-long friend Mr. Alan E. Nicholson of Regina, SK, who also retired from the RCMP.
